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Funded Research Projects


Below is a selection of my current and past funded research projects. For a full list of projects, past and present, please see my CV. Updated September 2014.




Faculty Fellow 2014/15, Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP), Princeton University.

Principal Investigator: NSF/OCI/VOSS Flexible Research Infrastructure: A Comparative Study  ($291,174)

Principal Investigator: NSF/SBE/STS SCHOLAR AWARD: Examining the Technoscientific Flexibility of Research Infrastructure ($97,124)

Principal Investigator: NSF/CISE/ACI digitalSTS Workshops (Co-PI: Janet Vertesi, Princeton $26,000)


Internal (Georgetown)

Junior Faculty Research Fellowship, Fall 2014.




Co-Principal Investigator: NSF/HSD Monitoring, Modeling and Memory. 2008-2013 (PI: Paul Edwards, Co-PIs: Geoffrey Bowker, Susan Leigh Star, Christine Borgman, Steve Jackson, Tom Finholt) (~$1.2M)

Co-Recipient –Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (2012), Workshop Grant, digitalSTS, May 25-28 in Copenhagen (Co-Recipients: Janet Vertesi) ($7,000)

Principal Investigator: NSF/OCI Virtual Organizations as Socio-Technical Systems (VOSS) Delegating Organizational Work to Virtual Organization Technologies 2008-13 (Co-PIs: Steve Jackson, Tom Finholt) (~$398,000)

Co-Recipient –Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (2011), Workshop Grant, Knowledge Infrastructures Workshop, May 25-28 in Ann Arbor (Co-Recipients: Paul Edwards, Geoffrey Bowker, Christine Borgman, Steven Jackson) ($20,000)

Investigator NIH/ARRA Supplement: Online Health-Searching Behaviors (PI: Joseph Margolick, CoPI: Michael Plankey) (~$100,000)  

Investigator  NSF/OCI/EAGER: The Human Infrastructure of Cyberinfrastructure 2009-10 (PI: Tom Finholt) (~$100,000)

Co-Principal Investigator: NSF/SBE/STS Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, National Science Foundation (~$8000) 2005-6   “The Standardized Revolution of Science: Building Cyberinfrastructure for the Geo-Sciences” (PI: Steven Epstein)


Internal (Georgetown)

International Collaboration Award. International Data Sharing with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. (2013)

Summer Academic Grant (2012)


Georgetown Pilot Research Award, The ePatient & The Clinical Study: From Human Subject to Active Participant? (2011)